Learn more about OSHP Member Mishele Dufour, CPhT, 340B ACE
Title: Pharmacy Analyst II and Adjunct Faculty Institution: Salem Health and Chemeketa Community College Specialty: Pharmacy Informatics, Analytics, and Education, 340B
Role in Pharmacy:
My current role with Salem Health is multidimensional. I participate in build, test, and implementation of various pharmacy systems. I manage, maintain, and optimize our 340B program for compliance, including policies and procedures, our split billing system, and our contract pharmacy systems. Throughout the last year, I have also partnered with department management to help educate and assist staff with regard to participation in Lean work for continuous improvement.
My role at Chemeketa as adjunct faculty allows me the opportunity to teach in the (ASHP accredited) Pharmacy Technology program. Classes I have taught include Pharmacy Operations/Management, Pharmacy Operations Lab, Sterile Compounding/Cytotoxic Meds w/Lab, and Pharmacy Info/Law & Ethics.
How you got there/what made you want to become a pharmacy technician?:
I initially became a pharmacy technician over 15 years ago for a way to make a decent living and provide stability and security for my oldest daughter. I was fortunate to be given an opportunity without any education or experience (Thank you Mark Placek!). I got my PTCB certification about 6 months after starting my pharmacy career and after a few more years, eventually moved into hospital pharmacy. I have a strong desire to continuously be learning something new and bettering myself which is what has helped me to excel to where I am now. Asking questions, expressing interest in and volunteering for special projects, accepting responsibilities outside of the typical technician role, and a willingness to work with people outside of my department and organization have provided, and continue to provide, exponential amounts of opportunity. For example, my opportunity to get involved in teaching at Chemeketa came after volunteering to present at a healthcare career fair and working with the Pharmacy Technician Program Chair during that event. I was able to go back to school and obtain my Bachelor’s degree which opened up additional opportunities for career advancement.
Other Professional Activities:
Pharmacy Technician Education Council, 340B Health – Individual Member, Chemeketa Pharmacy Technician Advisory Committee.
Advanced Training:
Epic Willow Inpatient Certification, Apexus Advanced 340B Operations Certification
What draws you to be involved with OSHP and why should other technicians consider getting more involved?
My involvement in OSHP is just another way I extend my boundaries to meet new people, learn new things, and open myself up to new and different opportunities. It is also a great way to share my experience, encourage others who have a desire to excel, and advocate for technicians everywhere. I would encourage technicians to get involved as a way to express their own interest in their career and to have a say in where the role of technicians should go in the future. Involvement is also great for networking and learning about opportunities that you may not know exists.
Fun fact about yourself:
Aside from wanting to be great at my job, I work to pay for vacations. I love to travel and experience new places, even though my family seems to end up in Cancun or at a Disney park a lot.