FAQ: Presenting a Pearl at the OSHP Annual Seminar
APRIL 25-27, 2025 PEARLS SESSION: SUNDAY, APRIL 27th Sunriver Resort – Sunriver, Oregon
What is a pearl? Pearls are brief, oral PowerPoint presentations that provide quick, practical tips. Each pearl conveys an idea, concept, or fact that will be useful in everyday practice, but may not be widely known, published, or taught. These sessions are very popular because they are fast paced and attendees walk away with a lot of practical information.
What are some examples of pearls? Most any topic makes a good pearl, provided that it focuses on something that can be immediately incorporated into the attendee’s practice. They can be from any facet of pharmacy practice (e.g. clinical, dispensing, administrative, research, or teaching). Examples of pearls include: applying “number needed to treat” to making treatment decisions, dosing enoxaparin in obese patients, implementing a pharmacist protocol to discontinue filgrastim based on WBC, the structure of a technician orientation program, and useful free PDA downloads.
Who will be my audience? Both seasoned pharmacists and new pharmacists may be in attendance. Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy students may also be present. Pearls should be constructed to deliver their content to the level of experience of a staff pharmacist (i.e. Assume that your audience has some basic knowledge of the specific content area required, but that they may not have had extensive experience in the area).
How long should I expect to present my topic? The clinical pearls session at the conference is generally multiple 10-minute presentations followed by a collective 10-minute group Q/A session. The pearls’ committee will decide on the number of pearls to offer based on the abstracts received and the time allotted. The student chapter will moderate the session and assist presenters with their audiovisual set up.
Will I receive an honorarium for presenting a pearl? A modest honorarium will be offered to each presenter of a pearl. Selected presenters may receive either: a one year of OSHP membership (new/renewal), a $150 meeting registration credit, or a one-night stay at the conference hotel. In addition, involvement in these sessions also provides an excellent opportunity to meet, share, and network.
Who do I contact if I am interested or have questions? OSHP Office at [email protected]
The pearls submission deadline is February 1, 2025.
OSHP pearls submissions should follow the format used by the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (outlined below). Pearls submissions must include a 250-word or less abstract, one learning objective and one self-assessment question with answer.
Abstract Format
- Abstracts must be letter-quality type. We suggest using Times New Roman (10 or 12 point) font.
- Abstracts must be limited to 250 words (excluding title and author).
- Short, specific titles are desirable. Avoid the use of "A", "An" and "The" as the first word of the title.
- The name of the presenter should be listed last name first, first initial, middle initial; do not include titles or degrees.
- A complete mailing address is required. Please include your email address as well.
- Use standard abbreviations in the abstract. Do not include graphs, tables, or illustrations in the abstract. Avoid the use of trademarks, subscripts, superscripts, and hyphenations in the abstract.
Abstract Content Abstracts must be formatted in one or two paragraphs (maximum). Abstracts in outline form will not be accepted. Organize the abstract as follows:
- One-sentence statement of the objective of the pearl; and
- Brief description of the key concept.
Guidelines for preparing learning objectives and self-assessment questions:
- The learning objective should describe what the attendees will be able to do after attending your presentation; and
- The self-assessment question should be written in multiple-choice or true/false format, and will be used by the learners to test if they have successfully achieved the learning objective. The correct answer must also be provided. Place these in the abstracts as shown in the example.
Example of Abstract
Developmental stages of advancing technician practice: technician residency programs Jensen, M. F. Univ. of Texas Med. Branch, 301 University Blvd., Galveston, TX 77555, USA Email: [email protected]
Over the past few decades, leaders in pharmacy have been moving toward the concept of pharmaceutical care; the realization that pharmacists must use their cognitive skills while delegating the technical aspects of pharmacy to technicians. The first step to advance the levels of technician practice is to ensure their competency. Second, areas of responsibilities should be expanded to include more distributive functions as pharmacists move into the clinical arena. Third, technicians must be recognized through national certification. Required certification may be used to attract and retain well-trained technicians within the profession. Barriers that prevent the prompt advancement of technician practice must be addressed and/or eliminated for the survival of future pharmacy practice.
The development and implementation of technician residency programs is presented to prepare technicians for the 21st century. The residency program will produce educators, managers, and well-rounded pharmacy practice technicians.
Learning objectives: Describe the benefits of a multi-step process in building technician training, use, and recognition.
Self-assessment questions: True or False: The main components in building a multi-step technician program are training, education, utilization, and recognition.
Answer: True